Dept. VIII: Information Systems II

International Conference on Software Business

General Information about the conference

The conference series „International Conference on Software Business“ (ICSOB) is discussing the research area of Software Businesses and is supporting the international exchange between scientists and practitioners. Various topics e.g. „Software Business Models“, „Software Product Management“, "IT-Entrepreneurship" and „Software Ecosystems“ are yearly discussed in interesting and inspiring conversations. After the ICSOB was hosted for the first time in 2013 in Potsdam (Germany) it was hosted from 16th – 18th June 2014 in Paphos (Cyprus). The different Sessions included especially contributions to this year’s conference topic "Shortening the time-to-market - from short cycle times to continuous value delivery”.

Our chair was represented by the chair holder Prof. Georg Herzwurm and his doctoral candidates Tobias Tauterat and Tim Taraba in Cyprus. Prof. Herzwurm and Tobias Tauterat were actively involved in the organisation as Industry Day Chair and Doctoral Symposium Chair and took a leading role regarding the implementation and design oft he ICSOB 2014. Furthermore, Tim Taraba presented a paper treating the topic „Success factors and investment problems of E-Ventures during their Early-Stage-Phase. The paper  was created in close cooperation with Dr. Martin Mikusz and Prof. Dr. Herzwurm.

Procedure in 2014:

The three-day conference was opened on Monday, June 16th 2014 with a keynote entitled "Is there anything that isn't software?“ by Mike Hinchey. Mike Hinchey is Director oft he so called „Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre“. In addition, he is professor in the field of Software Engineering at the university of Limerick in Ireland. In the second session "Startups and Software Business", Tim Taraba presented the paper "A Comparative Perspective between Investors and Businesses regarding Success Factors of E-Ventures at an Early-Stage" which was composed with Dr. Martin Mikusz and Prof. Dr. Herzwurm.

A keynote regarding the topic "What other industries could learn from games industry" by KooPee Hiltunen, Director of Neogames Finland (Developer in the computer games industry) interesting sessions about stage economy in Software Business followed on Tuesday, June 17th 2014 additionally, the doctoral symposium was presented by Tobias Tauterat. As a doctoral candidate of the Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME) Mr. Tauterat had an important role in the conference on the interface between practice and theory. He guided the inspiring discussions regarding the dissertation projects of two employees of the Free University of Bozen in Italy.

On Wednesday, June 18th an active Panel-Discussion with the topic „Shortening the time-to-market - from short cycle times to continuous value delivery“ followed. The following persons were building the panel: Prof. Dr. Tiziana Margaria, Prof. Dr. Jan Bosch, Prof. Dr. Michael Cusumano, Dr. Slinger Jansen. Afterwards the Industry Session was moderated by Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm with interesting and practical speeches relating to the conference topic. The Industry Session enabled lecturers from practice to discuss particular challenges in their daily businesses together with research associates.

In retrospect the participation of the chair on the ICSOB can be marked as a success all along the line fort he chair and his research activities. The contact to researchers of international relevance was consolidated again. Also, new research cooperations for the future could get off the ground for us.


Prof. Herzwurm and his team finally want to thank all participants involved who enabled the successful implementation of the ICSOB 2014.

Further information about the conference can be found here:



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