Research Cluster D – Regulatory Management

Dept. V.: Chair of Management Accounting and Control

How can regulatory systems be designed consistently and how can firms manage regulatory requirements?

Research Cluster D – Regulatory Management

Central Research Topics

  • Regulatory Accounting
  • Regulatory Finance
  • Regulatory Risk
  • Regulatory Systems
  • Corporate Regulation Management

Current Projects

The project investigates the assessment of an appropriate rate of return in regulated energy networks to provide adequate investment incentives in periods of low interest rates. It is a project with the Regulation in Network Industries Working Group of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e. V.

The project develops best practices for regulatory management of energy networks. One focus of the project is on the relationships between the scope and fulfillment of tasks, the resources and competences and the performance of regulatory management with data collected by a questionnaire-based survey.

Contributing Scholars

For more information on the Research Cluster Regulatory Management contact:

Selected Publications

Pedell, B. (2018), Ökonomisches Erfordernis einer Verlängerung der Geltung des positiven Sockeleffekts im Rahmen der Netzentgeltregulierung über § 34 Abs. 5 ARegV hinaus, in: N&R - Netzwirtschaften und Recht, Beilage 2/2018, pp. 2-19.

Büdenbender, U./Pedell, B. (2018), Ökonomisches und rechtliches Erfordernis einer Verlängerung der Geltung des positiven Sockeleffekts im Rahmen der Netzentgeltregulierung über § 34 Abs. 5 ARegV hinaus, in: N&R - Netzwirtschaften und Recht, Beilage 2/2018, pp. 1-2.

Arbeitskreis ‚Regulierung in Netzindustrien‘ der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft (2017), Digitalisierung und Regulierung in Netzindustrien, in: ZfbF, Special Issue 72/2017, pp. 221-239.

Küpper, H.-U./Pedell, B. (2016), Which asset valuation and depreciation method should be used for regulated utilities? An analytical and simulation-based comparison, in: Utilities Policy, Vol. 40, 2016, pp. 88-103.

Müller, C./Pedell, B. (2014), Regulatory Assets und Regulatory Liabilities in der deutschen Stromwirtschaft, in: WPg, Vol. 67, 2014 (22), pp. 1132-1141

Pedell, B./Growitsch, C./Just, L. (2014), Risk assessment of investments in energy-only and capacity markets, in: Die Unternehmung, Vol. 68, 2014 (3), pp. 171-178

Pedell, B./Rötzel, P./Tondock, R./Keller, O. (2013), Risikoorientiertes Regulierungscontrolling im Kontext einer Anreizregulierung am Beispiel der deutschen Stromwirtschaft, in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Vol. 65, 2013 (3), pp. 339-357

Kretschmer, T./Küpper, H.-U./Pedell, B. (2011), Bedingungen und Prinzipien einer konsistenten Regulierung, in: ZfbF, Special Issue 2/2011, pp. 1-31

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