QFD Institute of Germany

The objective of the non-profit association is the promotion, dissemination and further development of the quality method Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in Germany, especially in all branches of industry and universities.

QFD-ID is an association of QFD users and people interested in the QFD methodology. Goal of this independent and non profit organization is the distribution of a basic understanding of the quality engineering technique QFD as well as the improvement of knowledge and experience related to QFD in Germany . 

Homepage of the QFD Institut Deutschland e. V.

QFD Learning Laboratory

The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Learning Laboratory is a virtual learning program of the House of Quality Matrix, developed and published by Prof. Dr. Robert Hunt (Macquarie Graduate School of Management). The aim of the tutorial is to make it easier for beginners to understand and apply the topic and the procedure of the QFD. Furthermore, the Learning Laboratory can also help advanced QFD users to refresh and expand their theoretical knowledge.

QFD Learning Laboratory


This image shows Georg Herzwurm

Georg Herzwurm

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil.

Dean of Studies "Wirtschaftsinformatik"

This image shows Sixten Schockert

Sixten Schockert

Dr. rer. pol.

Lecturer and Researcher

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