Registration form for seminars of the Department of Finance

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

You can send the formular below the information on data protection.

Privacy statement

Information according to Art. 13 DS-GVO

1. Responsible person and data protection officer

Information about the data controller and the data protection officer can be found in the University's Privacy Policy.

2. Description and categories of data

This form transmits the entered data via e-mail to Mrs. Franziska Weishaupt when submitted.

3. Purpose

All data on the form are used for the processing of processes related to the seminars of Department 3 of BWI. Personal data is used to contact students, to organize the seminar (interaction with other seminar participants*, organization of the kickoff event and seminar presentations, eventually in cooperation with a business partner) and to identify students in the assessment of examination results.  

4. Legal basis

The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e DS-GVO in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 3 DS-GVO in conjunction with § 15 State Data Protection Act (insofar as the contact person is an employee of the University) or § 4 State Data Protection Act (insofar as the contact person is not an employee of the University).

5. Recipients

Recipients of the personal data transmitted by means of the form are exclusively employees of Department 3 of the BWI of the University of Stuttgart and, if applicable, cooperation partners within the scope of the seminar.

6. Duration of storage

The collected data will be stored in documents on the access-restricted group drive of Department 3 of BWI.

7. Folgen der Nichtangabe, Widerspruchs- bzw. Beseitigungsmöglichkeit

The mandatory information in the form is necessary for the proper and structured implementation of the seminar.

8. Consequences of not providing data, possibility of objection or elimination

Information about your rights can be found in the University's Privacy Policy.

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