Understanding the economic and technological value added
The intersection of business administration and technology, on which the Institute of Business Administration (BWI) focuses, is of central importance for Germany and its technologically leading economic clusters with a high proportion of industrial production. As networking and internationalization of production and related functions increase, companies need to be able to understand and shape the resulting greater complexity of value-added systems. In business practice, business administration and technology cannot be separated. The BWI therefore focuses on key elements of the economic and technical coordination of value creation networks. The individual departments of the BWI map the functional and management-relevant core elements of such value-added networks.
Visit the chairs:
- Dept. I: Innovation and Service Management
Innovation management, service engineering and services are the focus of the research of Deparment I. - Dept. II: Organization
The research focus of Department II lies in the analysis of current problems in business practice, such as digitization and Industry 4.0. Using theories of strategic management and organizational theory, the extent to which the adaptability of organizations can be explained or supported in the context of fast-changing environments such as the automotive industry or high-tech mechanical engineering is examined. - Dept. III: Corporate Finance
The main research areas of Department III are the assessment of investment objects and programs, especially considering uncertainty, risk and flexibility, the economic analysis of networks, the financing of medium-sized companies and the analysis and management of commodities. Of particular importance is the research area "Sustainability & Finance". - Dept. IV: Logistics and Procurement Management
Our three key areas of research are labour in logistics, supply management as well as logistics services and transport. - Dept. V: Management Accounting and Control
Cost and Revenue Management, Corporate Risk Management, Behavioural Management Control and Rate Regulation are primary research fields of the Chair of Management Accounting and Control. A wide spectrum of in particular empirical methods is applied to these topics. - Dept. VI: Marketing
The general orientation of the chair is Business to Business Marketing. - Dept. VII: Information Systems I
Department VII's research focuses on integrated systems and decision support and management (Business Intelligence and Analytics, BIA) infrastructures. Topics include the analysis and design of BIA architectures and BIA strategies, operational applications of innovative data analytics (data science and deep learning), and the use of information systems in the areas of Industry 4.0 and Additive Manufacturing. Research is geared towards design-oriented business informatics and strives for an active transfer of knowledge with practice. - Dept. VIII: Information Systems II
We are engaged in research and teaching with approaches and concepts for adding value through digital products and services. - Dept. IX: International and Strategic Management
Dynamics and success of internationalization and strategy processes, strategic coordination of international corporate activity as well as corporate governance, especially of international companies, are the main research areas of the chair. - Dept. X: Operations Management
The Department of Operations Management does research and teaches operations strategy grounded on empirical and simulation-based insights.
Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
The BWI participates in the Graduate School for advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME), which is funded by the Federal Government and the Länder. Further details can be found on the website of the graduate school.
Head of Institute

Andreas Größler
Prof. Dr.Chairholder