
Dept. VIII: Information Systems II

Support for Entrepreneurs.

The chair is engaged in various ways in the field of Entrepreneurship and wants to accelerate a start-up culture among students and in the university environment with that commitment.

Support of business start-ups from science (EXIST)

  • In close cooperation with the Technologie-Transfer-Initiative (TTI) GmbH of the University of Stuttgart, the chair is supporting students interested and engaged in entrepreneurship on the way to independence. In this context, we are specialized in mentorings within the framework of the so called EXIST-Entrepreneurship-Scholarship of the Federal Ministry for economics and technology.
  • Students of the University of Stuttgart interested in entrepreneurship are welcome to contact Mr. Taraba via Mail or by telephone to get further information regarding the support of an EXIST application.
  • Further information is available at: http://www.exist.de and https://www.tti-stuttgart.de/


Range of courses in the field of Intra- and Entrepreneurship

  • Together with the course Management of IT-Businesses the chair is providing teaching content on Entrepreneurship Management of IT-Businesses within the courses of study Technical Business Administration (M. Sc.) and Information Systems (M. Sc.) of the University of Stuttgart.

  • Also, there will be a lecture within the new course of study Intra-\Entrepreneurship in cooperation with the Stuttgart Media University which is explicitly adressing the management of entrepreneurship in IT-Businesses.

  • Further information regarding the new cooperation study programme can be found here: https://innovative-entrepreneurship.de/ 


Changing Lectures regarding the topic Entrepreneurship Management


Research projects with practical partners in the context of entrepreneurship

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