Business Intelligence and Mobile/Ubiquitous Computing
Our chair evaluates the potentials of an integration of data, produced by systems of Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, used in operational analysis scenarios. In focus are the Integration of data feeds produced by sensor networks and RFID infrastructures, seen in the context of the supporting of time-critical decisions.
Business Intelligence in Logistics
Based on several case studies, a multidimensional data model was conceived, which allows to depict and analyze supply-chain overlapping logistical processes with diverse analytical tools. In order to validate the data model and the developed analysis, a data generator was developed, which has already successfully depicted several scenarios. The main focus is on the use of Business Intelligence Systems in order to integrate and aggregate data, as well as to analyze integrated supply-chain-data flexibly.
Integration of Production Data for the use of BI-Solutions
The potentials resulting from integration of production systems as well as Auto-ID systems (e.g. ERP/PPS, MES, APS, and RFID) are considered in production environment. Here, the focus is especially on the support of lower management for immediate reaction and on the deduction of strategic optimization mea
BIA in der Cloud
Anwendungsszenarios, Architekturen, Nutzenpotentiale: Immer mehr BIA-Tool-Hersteller nehmen Cloud-Computing-Angebote in ihr Angebotsportfolio auf. Obwohl diese gerade im erfolgs- und sicherheitskritischen BIA-Bereich auf Bedenken stoßen, unterstreichen Studien des Lehrstuhls ein erhebliches Interesse bei BIA-Anwenderunternehmen. Cloud-Lösungen versprechen dabei eine erhöhte Agilität bei der Bereitstellung von Frontend-Lösungen, für die Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Systeme sowie im Umgang mit temporär benötigten oder in Unternehmenskooperationen genutzten Anwendungen. Die Untersuchungen des Lehrstuhls adressieren die Identifikation und Vertiefung relevanter Anwendungsszenarios, die Evaluation von Architekturoptionen sowie den betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzen von Cloud-BIA-Lösungen.

Henning Baars
Dr.Executive assistant