The University of Stuttgart
The University of Stuttgart was founded in 1829 at the beginning of the Industrial Age. Due to the fact the University of Stuttgart had its 175th anniversary in 2004. A strenght of the University of Stuttgart is the cooperation and integration of engenieering with social and administrative studies. Therefore the University is a searched partner for public and economic organisations.
The University of Stuttgart consists out of 10 faculties with 150 institues and supplemented central facilites. The University of Stuttgart employs 4.800 associates. At the present there are 22.600 students registred and more than 150 people obtain a qualification in the laboratories and the workshops of the technical institues.
The University has two headquarters which are connected with the metro ("S-Bahn"): City Center and Stuttgart-Vaihingen. More than 75% of the institues of the University, the Max-Planck- und the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are located in Stuttgart-Vaihingen. More information about the University here.
The School of Business Administration
The Institue of Business Administration (BWI) at the University of Stuttgart consists of 10 departments, representing the scientific field of business administration in research and teaching. The institute offers the study program technically oriented business administration, which integrates a sound education in business administration with selected engineering disciplines, defining a specific competence profile for its graduates at the intersection between commercial and technical challenges.
Furthermore, the Institute of Business Administration - in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim – offers the study program information systems.
The Institute of Business Administration is involved in a variety of interdisciplinary teaching and research collaborations both within the University of Stuttgart and together with external institutions. The BWI is a member of the Graduate School for advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME) which is promoted within the scope of the German Federal and State Excellence Initiative.
BWI's research is characterized by problem-orientation, methodological rigor and theoretical foundation. In addition, the BWI maintains intense practice-related contacts with medium-sized and large companies particularly in the Stuttgart region.
The knowledge and personnel exchange between the BWI and other institutions of the University of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart region are an integral part of BWI’s self-perception, as are research and teaching which meet strict national and international standards.
Study programm "Technically oriented Business Administration"
Business Administration, technically oriented B.Sc.
This course aims to meet the increasing demand within industry for technically oriented business graduates through cooperating with highly regarded engineering programs. The close relationship between research, class instruction and work experience involves students in continuous group learning. Among the subjects taught are management, marketing, buying, procurement, financial accounting, HRM, economics, technical subjects and law. The numerous exchange programs of this course allow students to conduct part of their studies at partner universities.
Business Administration, technically oriented M.Sc.
This course aims to meet the increasing demand within industry for technically oriented business graduates through cooperating with highly regarded engineering programs. The close relationship between research, class instruction and work experience involves students in continuous group learning. Among the subjects taught are management, marketing, buying, procurement, financial accounting, HRM, economics, technical subjects and law. The numerous exchange programs of this course allow students to conduct part of their studies at partner universities.
Julia Elter
M. Sc.Research Associate