Recognition of achievements

Dept. VIII: Information Systems II

Information about the recognition of achievements.

Process of recognition of achievements

Please fill out the following document for the recognition of exams completely and attach all relevant documents to the form below. If you are planning a stay abroad, please fill out the form BEFORE you start your stay abroad.

The following criteria must be fulfilled for the recognition of exams:

  • Equivalence in the extent (ECTS) and the content oft he lecture/tutorial (Type of Event) proven with lecture notes, module descriptions, used literature, etc.
  • Equivalence in exam duration, type of exam and exam content proven with passed exams, module descriptions, note extract, or the like
  • Evidence of exam results (note extract) and type of exam (written examination, case studies, or the like) including identity proof

Inquiries via the secretariat of the chair or during the office hours of the staff will not be processed!

Please use the following PDF document:

Form for recognition of examinations

Download form


This image shows Sixten Schockert

Sixten Schockert

Dr. rer. pol.

Lecturer and Researcher

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