The working group of Information Systems is getting together two times a year to exchange practical and theoretical experiences. Members of more then 50 companies around the region of Stuttgart are part of that group.
The main topics are:
Business Intelligence (BI): Data Warehouses/Data Marts, Variations of Architectures, Modelling of multidimensional data rooms, OLAP, MIS/EIS, Data Mining Analysis Systems, Project Management and procedure models
Electronic and Mobile Business: Multi-Channel-Integration, Customer Relationship Management, Call Center Concepts, pervasive and ubiquitous computing
E-Learning and Knowledge Management: Concepts of E-Learning, E-Learning at higher education institutions and application in practice, organisational concepts in knowledge management, implementation of Knowledge-Management-Systems
Enterprise Software: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Evaluation, Customizing, Quality Management, Requirements Engineering, Software Productmanagement