Our study programs are in German
We currently offer information about our teaching program in German only. Please refer to the German page on teaching, e.g. by clicking the language switcher on top of the page. Thank you for understanding!
Incoming exchange students
Below you can find a list of the courses at the Institute of Business Administration offered in English. In addition, many departments offer the possibility to write a seminar paper in English.
- Department X: Operations Management
International Operations Strategy (summer term)
- Department II: Business Administration and Organization
Strategy & Organization (summer term) - Department III: Corporate Finance
Asymmetrical Derivates (summer term)
Symmetrical Derivates (winter term) - Department IV: Logistics & Supply Management
International Purchasing and Supply Management (winter term) - Department V: Management Accounting and Control
Value-Based Management (winter term) - Department IX: International and Strategic Management
Strategic Coordination Instruments and Approaches for MNCs (summer term) - Department X: Operations Management
Supply Chain Dynamics (summer term)
Behavioral Operations Management (winter term)