BI-Oriented Service Management Concepts
With the growing complexity, extent and relevance of BI infrastructures, an increasingly goal-oriented, professional and efficient operating of corresponding solutions is necessary. Therefore structural as well as procedural general conditions need to be created. These conditions should be guided along a closed service-oriented master plan. The specifics of a management oriented system require extensive adaption of existing service management approaches. On the basis of several studies and in cooperation with users and advisers of the BI-environment, corresponding operational concepts for Business Intelligence are conceived and evaluated.
Strategic Framework of Company-Wide BI-Infrastructures
Under the heading of “IT Alignment” a more strategic establishment of IT in companies was discussed during the last years. As a result of a frequently high strategic relevance of BI solutions, corresponding tasks, in BI context, have particular meaning. Based on a range of use cases, our chair develops concepts that define strategic tasks in context of BI. These are then concretized and then interrelated.
Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Business Intelligence Application
Integrated systems, which include a fusion of BI systems and solutions for content and document-management, promise special potentials. These integrated systems therefore connect both domains, Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management. For this purpose our chair develops architectural concepts that are realized prototypically and evaluated in cooperation with our practical partners.
BI Outsourcing
Based on several research projects a concept for an outsourcing of BI services was developed. The concretization and automation of this concept are analyzed in current research projects. In technical terms, special attention is paid to the potentials of implementation of service-oriented BI architectures based on web services as well as their specification and integration across company borders over all phases of the outsourcing relationship. In subject-specific economic regard, especially the aspect of total cost of ownership (TCO) of BI outsourcing is considered comparatively.
Business Intelligence in Corporate Networks
The use of BI across company borders in corporate networks can support all phases of cooperation in a partnership through the network: Starting with the identification of potential cooperation partners and the evaluation of potential accomplishments of the cooperation; and ending with the goal-oriented controlling of cooperation process and the evaluation of the results of the cooperation. Our chair researches the potentials of this, until now, rarely considered field of BI and creates, designs and evaluates corresponding solutions.

Henning Baars
Dr.Executive assistant

Hans-Georg Kemper
Prof. Dr.Emeritus