
Dept. VIII: Information Systems II

Guide to us.


Chair of Information Systems II (Software-Intensive Business)
Prof. Dr. Georg Herzwurm
Institute of Business Administration, Dept. VIII
Keplerstrasse 17
G-70174 Stuttgart

Guide to us

By Subway

City railway U9 or U14 to leave at the top "Keplerstraße/Friedrichsbau/Börsenplatz".

By Plane

The train stop is located directly beneath the airport. Just follow the signs marked "S". Take a train (S2 or S3) into the direction "Hauptbahnhof" (central station). Buy a ticket for three zones at one of the orange colored vending machines. Take a train to the station ("Hauptbahnhof") and get off there. Take either the City railway U9 or U14: station "Friedrichsbau/Börse" or the bus 40 or 42: stop "Katharinenhospital".

By Car

Direction "Stuttgart Zentrum", "Hauptbahnhof Stuttgart", Friedrichstraße (B 27 direction "Tübingen")


This image shows Georg Herzwurm

Georg Herzwurm

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil.

Dean of Studies "Wirtschaftsinformatik"

This image shows Sook Ja Schmitz

Sook Ja Schmitz



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