Customer Experience Management (CXM)

In the field of Customer Experience Management (CXM), we focus on an understanding of the concept of CXM and its implications for consumers as well as corporations.

Personalized Customer Experience Management

Companies invest substantial resources in personalizing their touchpoints. However, they often personalize individual touchpoints without strategically coordinating them across multiple touchpoints. For this reason, we specifically address the integration of personalization and customer experience (management) and highlight how companies can enhance the effectiveness of their customer experience management by utilizing personalization as a tool.

Key Publication(s)

Weidig, J., Weippert, M., Kuehnl, C. (2024), Personalized touchpoints and customer experience: A conceptual synthesis, Journal of Business Research177, 114641.

Weippert, M. (2024), The scope and intensity of personalised omnichannel customer journeys: a conceptualisation integrating experts’ and consumers’ perspectives, Journal of Marketing Management, 1-33.

Weidig, J. (2023), Personalisierung im Customer Experience Management, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 04/2023, 74-83.

  • Award: 2022 Doctoral Competition for Conceptual Articles Award, AMS Review - Sheth Foundation.

Customer Journey Management

In Customer Journey Management, we examine how the customer journey should be designed to offer added value to the customer and drive customer loyalty. The results of our research show that the firm-controlled touchpoints along the customer journey should be designed in a thematically cohesive, consistent and context-sensitive way.


Key Publication(s)

Kuehnl, C., Jozic, D, Homburg, Ch. (2019), Effective customer journey design: consumers’ conception, measurement, and consequences, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(03), 551-568.

  • Award: Finalist for the Sheth Foundation‘s 2019 Best Paper Award.
  • (Conference) Papers: JAMS Thought Leaders‘ Conference on “Consumer Journeys: Developing Consumer-Based Strategy”, Amsterdam (2017); EMAC (2017); German Graduate School (GGS) Heilbronn (2017); Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Paris (2016); Usability in Germany (UIG) Frühjahrstagung 2016, University of Mannheim (2016).
  • Knowledge transfer: Springer Professional 2016; IMU Research Insights # 037.
  • Conference Papers (peer reviewed):
    • Kühnl, C., Homburg, C., Jozic, D. (2017), Designing Touchpoints Across the Customer Journey. In: Leaving Footprints, Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the European Marketing Academy, May 23-26, 2017, Groningen.
    • Kuehnl, C. (2016), Understanding Customer Experience Management and Its Consequences for Customer Loyalty. In: Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, Academy of Marketing Science Conference Proceedings of the 19th World Marketing Congress, July 19-23, 2016, Paris.

Customer Experience Management (CXM)

In Customer Experience Management (CXM), we focus on understanding the concept of CXM. The results of our research show that an effective CXM manifests itself in three interrelated higher-order resources of (1) cultural mindsets toward customer experiences (CEs), (2) strategic directions for designing CEs, and (3) firm capabilities for continually renewing CEs, with the goals of achieving and sustaining long-term customer loyalty.


Key Publication(s)

Homburg, Ch., Jozic, D., Kuehnl, C. (2017), Customer Experience Management: Towards Implementing an Evolving Marketing Concept, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(03), 377–401.

Lehnert, L., Kuehnl, C. (2024), Empathy at the heart of customer experience: A holistic framework for understanding and enhancing consumer empathy through the lens of customer experience, Psychology & Marketing, 06 October 2024.

Kuehnl, C., Weippert, M., Tischer, M. (2024), Die B2B-Customer Experience als Anbieter besser verstehen, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 04/2024, 20-27.

  • Award: Shugan’s List of Top 20 Marketing Articles published after 1/1/2017 [last accessed: 26.2.2021].
  • (Conference) Papers: 46th Annual Conference of the Marketing Commission, University of Regensburg (2016), EM Strasbourg, France (2015).
  • Knowledge transfer: Absatzwirtschaft 2014; Markenartikel 2014; IMU Research Insights #019.
  • Book Chapter: Jozic, D., Kühnl, C. (2016), Customer Experience Management, in: Homburg, Ch. (Hrsg.) Kundenzufriedenheit: Konzepte – Methoden – Erfahrungen, 9. Aufl., 411–440, Wiesbaden, Gabler.
  • Conference Papers (peer reviewed): Homburg, C., Jozic, D., Kühnl, C. (2015), A grounded theory of customer experience management. In: Hamilton, R., Leveraging new technologies to create value: AMA Summer Educators' Conference 2014; San Francisco, California, 1 - 3 August 2014 (S. 198-199), AMA Educators' Proceedings, Curran: Red Hook, NY.


This image shows Christina  Kühnl

Christina Kühnl

Prof. Dr.

Full Professor

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