Die Abteilung VIII: Wirtschaftsinformatik II hat erfolgreich zwei Publikationen auf dem 5. International Workshop on Software-intensive Business (IWSIB 2022) platziert. Bei dem internationalen Workshop, der aufgrund der Covid-19-Pandemie im Rahmen der 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022) online stattgefunden hat, wurden die Ergebnisse von zwei spannenden empirischen Studien vorgestellt.
Unter der Leitung von Kleophas Model wurden in dem Paper „Paving the Way to a Software-Supported Requirements Prioritization in Distributed Scrum Projects“ aus Problemen, Anforderungen und potenziellen Lösungsmerkmalen ein Lösungsansatz zur Anforderungspriorisierung in agilen Softwareentwicklungsprojekten konzipiert.
Abstract des Papers: Both, agile software development (e.g., Scrum) and the geographical distribution of project stakeholders have gained increasing significance in recent years. Establishing agile methods in distributed software development projects challenges science and practice as the characteristics of agile software development are not compatible with distributed project environments. Especially the task of requirements prioritization that incorporates a significant role in Scrum and that requires high communication and collaboration between stakeholders lacks an extensive software-supported methodology. This research-in-progress paper presents the first three steps of a design science research project. Based on an initial literature review combined with expert interviews addressing two software companies, the paper presents issues, requirements, and solution characteristics. Finally, it proposes a solution concept in form of a process model. These artifacts offer a solid foundation for further research, especially instantiating and evaluating the concept using a functional software prototype.
Unter der Leitung von Dimitri Petrik wurde in dem Paper „Understanding the Design of App Stores in the IIoT“ eine Priorisierung der Funktionalitäten von App Stores in industriellen digitalen Plattformen (oder IIoT-Plattformen) durchgeführt, um die Gestaltung von App Stores im IIoT zu unterstützen.
Abstract des Papers: App stores represent an already established concept for distributing software-intensive solutions that complementary extend the value of digital platforms. In the context of industrial digital platforms in the IIoT domain, the benefits of app stores are not yet fully understood or shared by the majority of platform users. This article contributes to the instantiation of app stores in digital industrial platforms using empirical data to reveal the functionalities expected from an industrial app store by IIoT platform users on the one hand and IIoT platform providers on the other. The increased understanding of the app stores integrated in IIoT platforms provides a design-oriented gain in knowledge for research and practice. Based on an empirical survey, we analyze which functionalities of app stores are demanded by IIoT platform users. This enables us to formulate five propositions for adapting app stores for IIoT to increase their success in this domain.
Beide Paper sind in den Workshop-Proceedings bei IEEE erschienen. Wir gratulieren den Autoren und hoffen auf die Verbreitung der Ergebnisse in Forschungs- und Praxiscommunities.