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70174 Stuttgart
Raum: 6.047, Stock 6B
Allgemeine Sprechstunde: Dienstag, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung. Termine in der Sprechstunde werden nur nach vorheriger E-Mail-Anfrage vergeben.
Rapp, A.; Scheeff, K.; Kutscher, V.; Simonovic, A.L.; Large, R.O. 2024. „A multi-perspective analysis of supplier diversity in Germany”, Paper presented at EUROMA (European Operations Management Association) 2024, Barcelona, Spain.
Rapp, A.; Simonovic, A.L.; Large, R.O. 2024. „A case study-based analysis of environmental strategies among German Logistics Service Providers”, in: Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, Vol.24, No.2, pp.148-164, DOI: 10.1080/16258312.2023.2253137
Simonovic, A.L. 2023. „Communities of Practice in Purchasing Management – Evidence on motivators for participation and usage among purchasing managers” Extended Abstract presented at LM (Logistikmanagement) 2023, Dresden, Germany.
Simonovic, A.L. 2022. „Communities of Practice in Supply Management. Evidence on motivators for participation and usage of interoganisational (virtual) communities of practice among managers in supply management” presented at 26th ELA (European Logistics Association) Doctorate Workshop 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Rapp, A., Simonovic, A.L. and Large, R.O. 2022. „Why Do More Than Mandatory? A Case Study-Based Analysis of an Eco-Branding Strategy Among Logistics Service Providers.” Paper presented at AIRL-SCM (Association Internationale de Recherche Logistique et Supply Chain Management) 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Rapp, A.; Simonovic, A.L.; Large, R.O. 2021. „Let’s get greener! Environmental strategies of logistics service providers”, in: European Review of Service Economics & Management, Vol.12, No. 2, pp. 93-123, DOI: 10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-12261-6.p.0093
Rapp, A.; Simonovic, A.L.; Large, R.O. 2021. „Let’s get greener! Environmental strategies of logistics service providers”, Paper presented at LM (Logistikmanagement) 2021, Dresden, Germany (online)
- Übung Beschaffungsmanagement (Sommersemester)
- Übung Logistikmanagement (Wintersemester)
- Übung Supply Chain Management (Wintersemester)
10/2012 – 09/2015 Studium der Sozialwissenschaften (B. A.) an der Universität Stuttgart
10/2015 – 10/2017 Studium der Empirischen Politik- und Sozialforschung (M. A.) an der Universität Stuttgart
11/2017 – 12/2019 Key Account Executive bei der Da Vinci Engineering GmbH in Stuttgart
01/2020 – heute wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Logistik- und Beschaffungsmanagement an der Universität Stuttgart